"Versmes" Progymnasium

„ Versmės „ progymnasium is located in Klaipeda, Lithuania . 929 students attend school. 400 of the students are in primary classes. (7- 11 years old.) 529 are in lower- secondary classes (12-15 years old.) 72 teachers work there. A modern library, 2 new ITC rooms are equipped at school, a methodology center for each school subject has been established and it allows the school community to put modern information technologies into practice which is an integral part of modern school life. The school employs 5 educational support professionals who help teachers to work with the students with disabilities. The school has been participating in the Project administered by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Social security and labour “Milk for children” and “Fruit for children” for four years. This project helps children to develop healthy eating habits. The school has been taking part in the town competition ‘The healthiest school” for two years. Klaipeda University has invited our school (together with a few other schools from our country) to be partners in their Erasmus + project – “I have rights”. This project aims to provide secondary school teachers with the skills to deal with multicultural classrooms through the acquisition of intercultural competences based on the understanding of human rights and non-discrimination values. To improve psychological atmosphere at school and eliminate bullying and other negative factors that influence emotional health, the school community has been carrying on OLWEUS project since2006.

For more information please visit

School website

This project was approved and funded with the support of the European Commission. This website reflects only the views of the author/s and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information, contained therein.