Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Adama Mickiewicza



Adam Mickiewicz Primary School number 3 in Lubsko offers pre-school and primary education. There are about 300 students aged 3 - 13 and 37 teachers. Some students arrive here from nearby villages. The school is located in a quiet residential community in a town with 14 000 inhabitants in Lubuskie region. the west of Poland. 
It is a school with integrated classes where disadvantaged students are taught in regular classes. Specially trained teachers who accompany primary school teachers help the students with disabilities to overcome their learning problems. The school is participating in some healthy living programmes: fruit, milk for children, 'The school promoting health', 'Healthy Breakfast' and Zibby's friend program. We organize "Keep Fit" event every year on 1st June and have regular social inclusion activities at school : workshops organized by the school guidance counsellor and invited psychologists for students and parents. We put attention on safety: organize meetings with policemen, fighter fighters, paramedics. Our school takes part in yearly competition about safety on roads. Our students learn German and English as foreign languages. Special features include: well-resourced library, huge playground and playing fields, grassed area.

For more information please visit ...

School website

School Facebook Page

School blog

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