2nd LTTA (Learning Teaching Training Activity) Meeting

The second  international LTTA meeting was held from 04.03-10.03.2018 in Pescopagano, Italy. This meeting was part of the "Give 5: A Healthy Living Toolbox - the whole school program" project, approved by the European Comission within the framework of Erasmus + KA219 programme.

During this meeting teachers attending the programme had the opportunity to learn and participate in different be eco and cultural activities.


The goals of the meeting were:


  • the evaluation of good practices for activities implemented in the previous period under the topic be eco;
  • getting acquainted with the education system of Italy through attendance at supervised classes;
  • the exchange of ideas and good practices for improved teaching methods;
  • planning of future activities and tasks within the project envisaged for the next part of the project - be safe
  • the participation in be eco workshops and the eco CLIL lesson  in a way that will enable students to build eco attitude
  • the preparation of the TPM in Turkey


During the 2nd LTTA we visited three schools: Pescopagano, Castelgrande i Muro Lucano. We were invited by the mayor of Prescopagano and we enjoyed Matera. The visits to the Recycling Factory and Vocational School in Muro Lucano were great experiences. We learned about the local history in the Archeological Museum in Muro Lucano.

This project was approved and funded with the support of the European Commission. This website reflects only the views of the author/s and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information, contained therein.