The first transnational coordinative meeting was held in Szkola Podstawowa nr 3 Lubsko, Poland from 15-19.10.2017 in the project "Give 5: A Healthy Living Toolbox - the whole school program" within the framework of Erasmus + KA219. Members of partner schools from Turkey, Italy, Romania, Spain, Lithuania, Portugal and Macedonia attend the meeting.
The goals of the meeting were:
· mutual acquaintance of partner schools;
· reviewing the overall objectives of the project;
· presentation and review of the already implemented activities and preparation of an action plan for the planned activities and meetings within the project;
· distribution of responsibilities and planning of the activities of the first year of the project;
· organization of dissemination activities;
· organization of activities for evaluation and monitoring of project activities and outcomes;
· CLIL lessons with students from Poland - examples of good practice by applying the CLIL methodology (language-integrated learning);
· discuss and analyze existing integration programs - exchange experiences and good practices;
· develop intercultural dialogue between partner schools and improve knowledge and understanding of educational systems in other countries.
The topics of the TPM
Welcoming and introduction of the participants, the school staff, the mayor, the principal and the headteacher.
Meetings with the Polish students:
· The welcoming ceremony
· Watching videos about partner schools.
· CLIL lessons·
Coordinators’ meetings: discussion of risk handling, LTTA in Portugal and Italy dates, logo competition, the project website, the evaluation of the lifestyles and partner countries questionnaires, the project TwinSpace, outside banners, school leaflets, good practices for Be Well topic (1st LTTA), sharing the school healthy programs
The second transnational coordinative meeting was held in Jale Necdet Özbelge İlkokulu in Urla, Turkey from 14-16.05.2018 in the project "Give 5: A Healthy Living Toolbox - the whole school program" within the framework of Erasmus + KA219. Members of partner schools from Turkey, Italy, Romania, Spain, Lithuania, Portugal and Macedonia attended the meeting.
The goals of the meeting were:
The topics of the TPM
1.Welcoming and introduction of the participants, the Turkish students, the school staff, the mayor, the principal and the headteacher.
2.CLIL lessons for the Turkish students
3.Workshops on basic skills for the Turkish students and project teachers
4.The observation of inclusion policy and formative assessment in the Turkish school
5.The evaluation of the best practices ( topic 1 and 2)
6.The Healthy Living Toolbox: collecting the materials after the first year
7.The European Healthy Living School Portfolio - materials collected at the partner schools: school blogs, websites, Erasmus+ corners, pictures, posters, School Portraits etc - information from the partner schools
8.The evaluation of the dissemination of the project
9.The progress against intended impacts
10.The evaluation of the partners' Healthy Living Programs
11. The first year report
12.Preparing the third TPM in Lithuania
The 3nd TPM in in Klaipedos Versmes progimnazija in Lithuania took place from 24th to 26th September 2018. The participants of the meetings were 2 teachers from each partner country.
The purposes:
- planning activities for the second year;
- intercultural dialogue between partner schools and the knowledge and understanding of educational system in Turkey
- evaluating the best practices of topic 3 and sharing the methods/best practices on topic 4 and 5
preparing LTTAs in Macedonia and Spain.
CLIL lessons for the local students
- observation of inclusion policy and formative assessment in the Lithuanian school
- workshops on key competences for Lithuanian students and project teachers
The main agenda
1. Welcome meeting: introduction to school and staff
2. Project meeting: the plan for the third TPM, presentation of Lithuanian education system and cultural, historical aspects of the area
3.A workshop on key competences for the Lithuanian students and project partners (observing integrated English language and human security lessons)
4.Tour of Klaipėda „Versmes“ school observation of inclusion policy and formative assessment
5. Coordinators‘ meeting: planning activities for the second year, the final outcome and design of the toolbox
6. Klaipėda sightseeing, and visit to the mayor of Kalaipėda town
7.Visit to Ethnocultural centre: Lituanian heritage
8. Project meeting: Evaluation of the best practices on topic 3 „Be Safe“ (presentations of activities already done at partner schools)
9.CLIL lessons:
6d (12 years old) Italy
6e (12 years old) Turkey
7a (13 years old) Romania
7b (13 years old) Portugal
7c (13 years old) Poland
7d (13 years old ) Spain
7e (13 years old) Macedonia
10.Project meeting: sharing the best practices on topic 4 „Be Nourished“; preparing LTTAs in Macedonia and Spain; planning virtual mobilities
11.Visit to Public Health Centre: a workshop „First Aid“
12. Excursion around Klaipėda Old Town
13. Cultural excursion to Palanga
The outcome
- the knowledge of partners about the Lithuanian school, region, country, Lithuanian educational system
- increased knowledge of Lithuanian students taking part in the CLIL lessons about project partner countries
- the knowledge how Lithuanian teachers work on key competences
- the documents created: the minute, the evaluation of good practices, the outline of the Toolbox
- reflection on the inclusion policy and formative assessment in the Lithuanian school