Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva (AEMRN) was created in the school year of 2012/2013 with the fusion of a group of schools called “Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure” and another group of schools named “Agrupamento de Escolas de Ribeira do Neiva”.
Today, it has 16 schools: 9 kindergarten,5 primary schools and 2 middle/high schools.
Our group of schools is located in Vila Verde’s County, in Braga’s district. This county occupies an area of 229 Km2, with a population of 48.000 inhabitants. The area of influence of our school is wide, going west and north-western of the county till the borders with Ponte de Lima and Barcelos.
This year 1330 pupils (age: 3-15)attend the schools of AEMRN. Sixty of them are adults attending adult education, at night.There are 147 teachers and 59 non-teaching staff.
Our school has integrated classes where disadvantaged students are taught in regular classes. Special Needs teachers helpthe teachers and these students with disabilities to overcome their learning problems.All schools have access to the internet and students initiates contact with ITC in kindergarten. The two middle/high schools have a library, a computer room, a gym and big playgrounds with sports fields.
Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva (AEMRN) has an autonomy contract with the Ministry of Education of Portugal. It has a set of goals that involve the implementation of a Strategic Action Plan in which the promotion of success is the main priority of the organisation.
One of the strategies taken, in order to promote autonomy and motivate our students, is the offer of a wide range ofprojects in areas such as theatre, radio, science, art, ecology, meteorology, sports, among others. The main idea is to focus on informal learning, making the students think, search and build their own learning process and knowledge.
We also have an European Club that belongs to the European Clubs Network. We have organised meetings with European members of the parliament, representatives of the Jacques Delors European Centre and representatives of Europe Direct, in Portugal.